The picture above is the church my grandpa pastored for over 50 years. This little church called Mount Calvary had a ground floor and a basement. That was it. It had a sanctuary on the ground floor with a larger room in the back, a bathroom, and another small room beside the bathroom. When I was a kid that room was full of my grandpa's books, but I believe dad told me it was used at that time as a Sunday School classroom. Then, you would walk downstairs at the back of the church to get to the basement. This was a large room with heavy curtain dividers to section it off. The area you walked into immediately at the bottom of the stairs, they sectioned off for children's church. A very old Miss Josephine Dodge and her sister Miss Camilla Dodge ran the children's church during dad's time in there. They were spinsters who lived on Blackhorse Pike by the Wentzels. Dad said their favorite song was "I Met Jesus at the Crossroads" and they sang it every week - which dad used as the opportunity to sing it to me as well ... in its entirety. Even after I begged him to stop. Now the teachers would scotch tape something under one chair in the room and if you were good, they would call on your name to look under your chair to see if they had something under there. If they did, they got to sit in the gold chair the next week and get a lollipop. Dad sometimes had that tag under his chair, but he never won the prize. Why, you ask? Because he was never good, therefore never got his name called. He said he could tell me stories of some of the things he and his brother Carl would do to aggravate his teachers, so I think I'll have to post about those some time soon. :-)
*Thanks to Aunt Judi for the picture I was able to copy from her blog
I met Jesus at the Crossroad? Where the two ways meet. Then what comes next? I can't remember and it's driving me nuts.
ReplyDeleteNever mind. I googled it and found the words at http://rusure.mykindanames.com/kids.html. Then I remembered the tune. Now, I'll be singing it in my head all night and won't be able to sleep. Thanks, Mark.