Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Gotta Love our Moms :-)

His mom used to get him very practical gifts as a child. Socks, shirts, etc… Usually some type of clothes. A young boy does NOT like clothes, so he was never particularly happy with those gifts. His Aunt Anne asked him every year what he wanted for his birthday and every time he would say, "Anything but clothes." Yet, every year she too would give him clothes. Well, one year his Aunt Francis, his mom’s other sister, gave him $2. $2!!! That was HUGE in the 1950s! It was like $20 today. When his allowance at that time was 10 cents, $2 was unbelievable!! His mom saw that he got that money and said, "Here, I’ll take care of this for you." And she went out and bought him socks with it. SOCKS! Like he said, "I could’ve bought 2 boxes of baseball cards with that money and she bought me socks!!". He said he still hasn’t forgiven her for that. Poor guy.


  1. I hope he will forgive her. She did the same thing to me and Deb and Did. We all had to turn over our money that year so she could buy us clothes. Since I wasn't a teenager yet, I didn't want clothes either. I wanted a notebook and pencils. I guess I take after my dad.

  2. I used to love going to the office supply stores with Grampa. They smelled so good. The ones here have that same good smell. :-)

    I also hated getting clothes for Christmas, but I can understand the necessity nowadays. Christmas seemed to be the only time of year when there was any extra that could be spent on clothes. Mama always did try to get each of us a special toy to go with the clothing items. Maybe she remembered the jipped feeling of only getting practical things. I still have the very pretty Barbie dolls she got me. They long outlasted the clothes.
    Love y'all!!
