Friday, April 3, 2009

The Chronicles of Mr. Elliason - Part 2

Another episode with Mr. Elliason was after dad had watched the movie "Blackboard Jungle" with Glenn Ford and Sidney Portier. In that movie the teacher is referred to as "Teach", which dad thought was really cool. So the next day at school he kept referring to Mr. Elliason as "Teach". Either Mr. Elliason tuned dad out or just didn’t care, he’s not really sure, because as dad was leaving that day, he called out "See ya later Teach!" to Mr. Elliason as he was talking to another teacher and that other teacher said, "Are you going to let him talk to you like that?!" "What did he say?" he asked. When he heard that dad had called him "Teach", he told dad to get back in the classroom and once again received Mr. Elliason’s brand of discipline. He never again called him "Teach". ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Ah, the easily-influenceable jr. high mind... mine got me into quite a bit of trouble as well.
